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Category - News

Cross Kitchen, Emsworth

News, Offers

I am really happy to be displaying a few major works at Cross Kitchen Restaurant, Emsworth’s newest dining experience.

6 Artists’ Collective 2022

Events, News

Welcome to my annual show in Farnham, the awesome @6_artists

Art and Soul, Haslemere

Events, News

Imagine my surprise…

The return of The 6

Events, News

It’s coming up for that time again.

Emsworth Arts trail 2021


It feels like years …  and I would love to welcome you back

Bright Horizons

Events, News

This was my happy place in 2021.

Online courses

Events, News

I am teaching for real again. So that’s the end of Zoom for the time being…

6 Artists Collective: Online show

Events, News

  19th–22nd November. This year’s show is only on virtual. It's such a shame because the coffee is SO good at the Pottery. We hope to be having a real show in April so watch this space. Over…

LOCKDOWN: 2 artists’ works in isolation


The exhibition has now closed but you can still buy works direct from the site. Hurry tho they are selling fast 🙂 For enquiries about Jules Roper’s work email me and I will pass on your contacts. This…

Lockdown paintings


It’s been a funny few months. When lockdown happened back in march I was teaching three sessions a week with other classes at weekends. Suddenly there was a lot of time on my hands. I started working on…